Developing a Content Strategy for Instagram

One of the biggest social platforms to this date is Instagram. This media outlet allows creators and brands to get their name out there, promote their business, and share with the world what they are all about. Instagram may look like a simple platform where individuals can post whatever and whenever but if you want to be successful in your Instagram game, it takes hard work and planning. 

There are endless tools you can use to help things run smoother and more efficiently. Think smarter and not harder. Here are some tips we believe will up your Instagram game to give you the best results. 

The Content

Think about what you want to be posting about whether it may be videos or pictures, be consistent and make sure it flows right. It is so easy to have content that looks good individually but the first thing someone sees on an account is the profile as a whole. Think about the feed and theme you want to achieve and stick to it. With the content, you have to make sure the material you are posting is a reflection of your brand and most importantly yourself.  You can promote anything such as services, products, or tips just be sure it is on brand and a good representation of what you stand for. 

*Check out our ‘How to Start an Instagram Feed Blog for more tips*

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If there is one thing that people like for content creators that would have to be consistency. By having a persistent schedule of when and where you are going to post, it will keep your audience captivated and wanting more. An ideal time to post is 1-3 times a week and to gain the most traffic we recommend posting anywhere from 5 pm to 8 pm. Think of every time you post something, you are given the opportunity to get your name out there and gain exposure to your brand.

Content Management

After you have gathered all the content it is now time to start planning. There are so many tools you can use to help automate your Instagram scheduling and one of our favourite platforms to use is Later. With this, it allows you to plan out your posts for the week, month, or maybe even year. There is an ability to schedule IG stories, create captions and even set out what specific time you want to push out your content. Other platforms similar are Buffer, Planoly and Autogrammer so be sure to check out which works best for your lifestyle.

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No matter how aesthetically pleasing your Instagram account is or how good your content is, the biggest game-changer is engaging with your followers. People want to feel a sense of connection through these platforms hence the name, social media. By building a connection with your followers it will eventually build a bond and trust between you two and will make them more inclined to like and comment on your posts or even refer your account to friends and family. One tip we have to get the best results on engagement is set out 15-30 min before each time you plan on posting and use that to engage with your audience whether it may be like/commenting on posts, responding to DMs, or following more accounts.

We hope this gives you the inspiration to go out and create a successful Instagram account or improve your current one. Instagram can be fun to share personal experiences but you can also unlock its fullest potential by applying these simple tips. 

Let us know what you thought of this blog and if there were any tips you thought were helpful or maybe even some you thought were missing. We would love your feedback and don’t forget to tune in on our IGTV to learn more.