Trends To Keep in Mind for 2022

If your small business doesn’t have a social media footprint already, you’re gonna miss out on a lot more than likes and followers. Having a strong social media presence opens up so many doors on multiple levels. From straight-up e-commerce and collaborations to customers simply knowing your business hours, both the heavy hitters and up-and-coming social media platforms are here to help you bring your sales to the next level. Let’s take a look at some of the trends for 2022.

Social Commerce Gets a Bigger Seat at the Table

You’ve probably seen the View Shop arrow on some IG posts and this function has definitely revolutionized the e-commerce industry. The process of having product discovery, click to purchase, and post product support all available through the social media platform is changing the way we shop. According to Statista, there were 80 million social buyers in the U.S. in 2020.

Social e-commerce is forecast to soar going forward as both buyers (Generation Z) and sellers feel more and more comfortable transacting on social media. 

The Love for Short Form Verticle Videos is Only Getting Stronger

TikTok moments and Instagram reels have definitely contributed to the massive boom and devotion to short-form verticle videos. Videos not only allow the creator to share a story but it’s a favoured and integral part of every social media platform. If you haven’t jumped on this “skip to the front of the line” reach hack, you better figure a way to get on quickly.

Self-Care & Mental Health

It’s ok to be not ok. It’s ok to take some time for yourself. Creators and followers around the globe have been feeling the emotional toll on our mental health as we enter into the 3rd year of the pandemic. Screen time has spiked and our emotional well-being has trended downwards. Going forward in 2022, there’s going to be more conversations around mental and physical health and holistic wellness.

Creators Economy will Continue Trend Upwards

The creator economy is made up of an industry of influencers, bloggers, videographers, and anyone on social media monetizing their online fanbases. If you think this pool has been oversaturated, think again cause it’s not the case. A multitude of platforms, including Tiktok, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, have invested in creators’ tools and creator marketplaces to make it easier for creators to connect with their audience and collaborate with brands.

Brands Tapping in the Fun Side of TikTok

With over 1 billion monthly active users, you can’t ignore the potential and reach that this new kid can deliver. Come 2021, they aren’t just the new kid anymore, but a force to be reckoned with. More and more brands are beginning to let loose and try their hand at tapping into the Generation Z market as over 60% of the user base are Gen Zers. There’s so much creative space to casually experiment with.      

LinkedIn Influencers Gain Momentum

You’re probably wondering how these two words can be put together, but it’s definitely happening. LinkedIn Influencers are more than their personal brand, they are thought leaders and experts in their field. They write about trends and issues and having your brand mentioned in one of their articles will definitely create traffic and trust. 

Trends and change can definitely feel overwhelming at times. Plus what works for one brand may not work as well for another. It’s all about experimentation, finding what works, and pivoting when change is necessary.