The GLO Guide to Working With Agencies

So you’re thinking about working with a digital marketing or creative agency as you continue to grow your business – great! Oftentimes, it’s much more affordable to outsource your work to an agency than it is to hire an in-house team when you’re first starting out. An entire team of experts are at your fingertips, and you’ll be able to reclaim the luxury of time back into your own hands! 

The client-agency relationship is a two-way street. As a full-service agency ourselves, we love providing the full digital marketing and PR experience, and we know it works best when both our clients and our internal team have the same expectations. In this blog, we’ll cover some of our favourite ways to establish those expectations and prevent frustrations throughout your partnership together! 

Select a dedicated point of contact

Most agencies will always provide clients with a dedicated Account Manager who is ready to listen, understand, and provide solutions to your needs. We do this because it’s so much easier to have 1 communication channel on our end than to have multiple points of contact, which can lead to lots of confusion, duplicate questions, or even missed items. With that being said, it’s always best practice to delegate the best person on your team to liaise with the agency (if you’d like to partner with a social media marketing agency, consider choosing your marketing manager as the rep on your end!). 

Set clear expectations. 

The last thing any agency wants is for their clients to feel disappointed or frustrated with the outcome. That’s why it’s so important to set very clear expectations as to what your agency will deliver, and what your budget will afford you. If you’re unsure about what to expect, ask away! It’s best to make sure everyone’s on the same page from both a planning and execution perspective. 

Don’t be afraid to open up! 

This really is the key to all human relationships, isn’t it? The more we understand your tastes and preferences, the better we can help bring your brand to life. Whether you’re a restaurant, gym, or agent, don’t be afraid to invite your Account Manager or Consultant over for a quick tour of your space. The client-agency dynamic is a partnership that works best when both parties trust each other to have their best interests in mind. With that being said, the more information you’re willing to share about yourself, your brand, and your goals, the better we’re able to build a strategy that will help your business grow in the right direction.