How to Choose the Right Logo

These days the logos of successful brands are easily identified by the general public in less than 30 seconds (i.e. Nike’s iconic swish). Logos have been used as an effective tool for advertising and marketing. When considering a rebrand or building a brand, it is essential to get your logo executed well on the first try. Here are 3 questions you should think about before choosing the perfect logo for your own brand. 

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Why do you need a logo? 

For starters, your logo is the first impression a customer will have of your brand. It’s like picking a book because of the cover. Customers will choose to dive deeper into your brand when the logo attracts or resonates with them. It gives your customers an idea of the style and identity of your business. While deciding on your logo, make sure you understand your target audience. If possible, reach out to individuals who fit your target audience for real-time data. Also, keep in mind not all logos are designed for the same purposes. A pizza brand logo will have different needs compared to a social media agency logo. Take the time to figure out where your logo will be used to maximize its potential. 

Is the logo effective? 

Now that you understand why you need a logo, it’s time to evaluate your options. Is the logo effective? Does it complement your brand voice and style? The logo should give the customer an idea of what your business offers. Colour is also a key element of logo designing. Too many colours can distract your audience. Gradients and transparency levels should be avoided if possible for practicality. Is your logo recognizable and legible? The best way to test this out is by viewing your logo in grayscale - this way, your logo will be foolproof in any setting. By looking in grayscale, you are able to see it in its most basic form. Sometimes the most difficult logo to design is the simplest.

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Is the logo unique? 

The final thought:  is the logo effective? Is your logo able to stand out from your competitors? An organic wheat company may not include an image of a field in their logo like all the other organic wheat companies if they want to stand out. The same goes for your own logo. A useful tip is to layout your logo next to different competitors to see how it compares. Your logo will be making a mark in the world in different ways and environments. Make sure it leaves a meaningful impression others will take notice of and appreciate. 

By walking through each of these questions, you are one step closer to taking on the big task. The process of creating a logo can be challenging and stressful. It is advised to seek design direction from a knowledgeable and experienced team.

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