5 Ways to Reach Customers Who Don’t Know They Need You

Whether you are an influencer, lawyer, doctor, or event planner, regardless of the profession you are in it is safe to say that your business is built off customers and is the reason why you are successful so it only makes sense that you would want to market to as many people as you can.

However, with every business comes customers that are a bit more “unreachable”. Some of these unreachable customers are there for a reason, if you are selling homes, your target audience may be adults in their mid 20’s and not pre-teens in middle school. But this doesn’t mean it will stay that way forever. Some of the most unexpected groups can turn into something way bigger later on. You just need to find the perfect voice and way to speak out to them to get them interested.

Here are 5 ways you can reach the customers who don’t know they need you.

1. Who are your unreachable customers?

The first step to targeting your unreachables is making a list of who even are your unreachables. To start, look at your demographics for your website, social media, app, etc., and determine what audience is not connecting with you. It can be a specific age group, location of where they reside from, and more. Another way to see who your unreachable customers are is simply by doing a short survey. This will allow current and potential customers to directly tell you why they love your business or why they do not.

No matter how you get your data it is important to know why the groups are uninterested/uninformed about your business and do they know they might want or need what service/product you are offering.

2. Develop the image you want for your unreachable customers

At this second step, you will most likely know who your unreachables are but the important thing is to discover what their likes and dislikes are, where they live, what type of work they do, and maybe even their hobbies and interests.

By researching these specifics it will allow you to brainstorm a strong message and decide what channels you want to use to show them that your business can be of use, even if they don’t know it yet.

3. Customize the approach to meet their needs

When thinking of ways to speak to your unreachable customers, it is important to remember that what has been working for your current audience may not work for another group. Really analyze your unreachables and customize your approach to cater to their needs.

For example, if you don't normally cater to younger generations, try using methods such as memes, humor, or even apps like Twitter and Tik Tok to reach that audience.

4. Offer them a truly unique experience

Treat your unreachable customers as if they are already one of your most loyal customers by rewarding them with valuable sources they can actually use. If you can do this then you already have your foot in the door. If you can provide them with resources they cannot find elsewhere then that will give you an advantage compared to your competitors. 

Some valuable sources can be anywhere from educational information such as guides, e-books, free templates to coupons and product samples. Cater your sources to what you think they might enjoy.

5. You are the only one they need

Whether your business offers multiple products/services or something a bit more focused, there is always going to be a way to position yourself as their all-in-one solution. Your unreachable audience may not know your business can handle a majority of their problems, they might not know how you have mastered your work or they might not even know they need you. Whatever it is you need to show them how you can be their end all be all.