Why People Should Utilize Pinterest

First off what is Pinterest? You have probably heard about this social network through the grapevine of something people use for recipes, home decor ideas, or tips on just about anything! Sure it does have that but there is way more than meets the eye.

Think of it as an online mood board users have to display and share with the world.  The goal of Pinterest is to "connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting." Users are doing exactly that and similar to any other social media platform, people can share, like, and repost their ‘pins’. Like any social media, it can be used on a personal level to express yourself or take it to the next level for your business. The options are endless and we hope with this list will guide and give you the inspiration to start your own Pinterest board. 

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#1 Source of Inspiration

If you ask anyone in the creative field where they get their inspiration from online, chances are a majority are going to say Pinterest. Because this platform is filled with users constantly pinning and repinning ideas, it is an optimal source of inspiration. What is so great about this is that one pin can lead to ten other pins and so on. One quick search can start a spark of ideas you did not even think about and can turn them into something bigger and better. Whether it may be making variations of a dessert, remodelling your new kitchen, or looking up gift ideas, Pinterest has it all. 

#2 Traffic

Pinterest drives a lot of traffic and it’s the good kind. As a business, you might want to think about investing your time to make an account. It is an excellent tool in increasing link clicks back to your website. However, in this case, people often click based on what they first see so be sure to take time to carefully showcase something that will hook your audience in. Every pin has a link included so think of how many impressions and clicks you can get simply by posting images of whatever you are promoting on Pinterest!

#3 Relaxation

I don’t know about you but there is something very therapeutic about going on Pinterest in your free time and looking at all the pictures. The website is designed to be clean, and easy to use and many users use it as downtime from other projects or to unwind and get inspiration before heading to bed. There is nothing more satisfying than having a collection of pins you can just look back on as a reference for inspiration for the future. 

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#4 Organization

Sometimes you have all these ideas in your head but you do not know how to exactly put it into words or show what you are thinking. Well lucky for you a picture is worth a thousand words and by having a board of what you envision it can get your message across without saying much. Often times people use Pinterest as a mood board for their projects because of the pictures and ideas they may not get anywhere else. With the different boards, you can organize save all your favourite ideas to a single board, and split them into sections to find. A perfect example would be wedding planning. You can split your boards to wedding dresses, cakes, table settings, etc.

#5 Audience Knowledge

One of the great things about Pinterest is you can get a little glimpse of what inspires your audience. You can see what is trending at the moment by following who follows you and see what they are pinning. This will give you the opportunity to see a first-person view of their minds. As a business, you can utilize this and make it as your advantage to see what is missing that customers may want or even new ideas. 

 If you are looking for a platform to express yourself and also reach tons of other people while doing so then Pinterest is the place for you. 

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